Children born with a disability are entitled to interventions that can help prepare them for success, and like all children, thrive with stimulating activities and positive relationships.
PennCares Children’s Programs give young children with disabilities opportunities to engage, develop, and form positive relationships while providing quality learning options for all young children in the community.
Our highly trained and specialized practitioners and therapists have many years of professional experience in working with children of all abilities, and work diligently so every child can maximize their full potential and highest quality of life.
PennCares’ family-centered approach includes you in every aspect of the planning and delivery of the services and supports that meet your little one’s needs. We address your concerns with sensitivity and understanding.
Our Services

PennCares Early Intervention
Services for children from birth to three years of age who are evaluated and determined to have a 25% delay in any developmental area
In infancy, all developmental areas are closely connected and influence each other’s progress.
Quality early intervention services during this important formative period can make a crucial difference in your child’s development now and in later years!
Our therapies focus on teaching parents activities and methods to enhance and improve their child’s developmental skills.
- Physical therapy
- Occupational therapy
- Speech therapy
- Developmental teaching by special instructors
- Infant massage
All services are provided in settings in which you and your child ordinarily participate and that are most comfortable and convenient for you: your home, child care or community setting.

PennCares Child Development Group
A unique community-integrated group of children with special needs and typically developing children between 18 months and 4 years of age
Our child development group promotes belonging, participation, and engagement of young children with and without disabilities together, in inclusive settings.
Individualized accommodations and supports allow children with disabilities to participate fully in play and learning activities with typically-developing peers. At PennCares, we believe inclusion means “a part” – not “apart!”
PennCares Child Development Group classes are held in Hanover and York.

PennCares Preschools
Integrated preschools that allow young children with and without disabilities to play, develop, and learn together while promoting a sense of belonging for every child
PennCares preschools enable children with a range of functional abilities to participate in activities and experiences in inclusive settings.
They ensure that every young child has access to quality learning environments, to typical educational routines and activities, and to the general preschool education curriculum.
PennCares Preschool classes are held in Hanover and York.